To power up dimmer connect it to 12-24VDC
Connect Ethernet cable to LAN port in boneIO dimmer. With default configuration address would be obtained via DHCP.
PSU L is left power supply, which is input of power supply for your LED strip.
on the left is +/VCC of your LED strip. CHL1-4 is GND of your LED strip, so in case of white is GND, in case of RGBW strips it’s RGBW signs on LED strip.
PSU R is right power supply, which is input of power supply for your LED strip.
on the right is +/VCC of your LED strip. CHR1-4 is GND of your LED strip, so in case of white is GND, in case of RGBW strips it’s RGBW signs on LED strip.
Mixing left and right side is not allowed!
Each side can measure power using INA219 sensor.
One channel can use up to 2A. Each side can load up to 10A.
The operation of digital inputs is based on applying + voltage to the IN_1 to IN_5 pin. There is same voltage as power supply on the + pin.
- platform: gpio
name: 'IN_01'
pcf8574: pcf_inputs
number: 1
input: true
inverted: true
- light.toggle: chl_01
Example how to rotate brightness of the light with one push button.
Add to IN_01 id
and on_press
- platform: gpio
name: 'IN_01'
id: in_01
pcf8574: pcf_inputs
number: 1
input: true
inverted: true
- while:
binary_sensor.is_on: in_01
- if:
lambda: 'return id(chl_01).current_values.get_brightness() >= 0.90f;'
- light.control:
id: chl_01
brightness: 0%
- light.turn_off:
id: chl_01
- light.dim_relative:
id: chl_01
relative_brightness: 5%
transition_length: 0.2s
- delay: 200ms
Open top cover and replace fuse in case it’s burned.
Software installation procedure is same for boneIO ESP and boneIO Dimmer. Connect USB-C cable to your PC and choose Dimmer in web installer.
Follow instructions here: /docs/esphome/install2024_3
Dimmer specifics configuration is available at: Dimmer Esphome configuration
Here are technical data, which are needed to configure software. In default software all data are already bundled in Esphome config, so you don’t need to worry about it.
Output | GPIO Pin |
CHL01 | 33 |
CHL02 | 32 |
CHL03 | 12 |
CHL04 | 14 |
CHR01 | 13 |
CHR02 | 15 |
CHR03 | 2 |
CHR04 | 17 |
Input pins are connected on PCF8574 which is available at I²C bus at address
Input | PCF Pin |
IN01 | 1 |
IN02 | 2 |
IN03 | 3 |
IN04 | 4 |
IN05 | 36 |
IN06 | 39 |
IN07 | 34 |
IN08 | 35 |
I2C bus is available at pins:
I2C | GPIO Pin |
SDA | 4 |
SCL | 5 |
Side | I²C address |
Left | 0x40 |
Right | 0x41 |
LM75 temperature sensor is used. It’s available at address
Buzzer which can alarm about too high temperature is avaiable at PCF pin
Output | PCF Pin |
Buzzer | 0 |