(valid up to Esphome 2024.2)
Configuration prepared for boneIO ESP is very long. Thus a few years ago we decided to split it accross multiple files. It is simplier to read by user that way.
Unfortunately official Esphome addon is not prepared to read nested files. We recommend to you Visual Studio Code to edit configuration files of boneIO.
Below there is explanation for most of the main config parts.
Substitutions replace some values in boneIO config.
This adds MAC suffix to boneIO name. If you have multiple boneIO in your network you might to try it out. It wasn’t working very well for use, so we decided to not set it to true by default.
By default it is boneio
. You can rename it to whatever you want. Don’t use spaces, as it’s hostname of the device.
This is directory where fonts of the OLED are present.
Those are possible input configs. So push buttons etc. Through years we developed several possibilites for input boards.
We can divide it between two circuits:
As of 2023/2024 we use PCF parts only (for boneIO ESP.)
Then we prepared inputs to automatically switch different types of bottom boards:
You want to uncomment bottom board you have eg input: !include boards/relay32_inputs_PCF.yaml
and edit these according to your needs.
There are several output boards possibilites (similar to inputs). Using:
There are several types of outputs there:
Choose the board you have. You can change entities from switch
to light
(you’d gonna need another section in the file you chose).
Never comment this out sections. This is definition of ESP32 chip.
Never comment out this section.
Those are definitions of internal sensors inside boneIO ESP.
Time module if present ds1307
, ina219
, buzzer
, pcf8574
for input board.
Temperature LM75 component installed on boneIO board.
OLED Display in front of the boneIO ESP.
Uncomment this and edit file if you want to connect modbus devices.
Uncomment this if you want to use 1 wire protocol.