Covers and blinds (with tilt) configuration

In Esphome covers doesn’t have tilt functions. Blinds are similar to covers which have tilt function.

Esphome Cover

For covers we prepared output file (which is bundled in new configurations). We use switch component for covers as only those support interlock.

  - platform: gpio
    id: cover_open_01_out01
      pcf8574: pcf_left
      number: 15
        output: true
      inverted: true
    interlock: &cover_interlock_01 [cover_open_01_out01, cover_close_01_out02]
    interlock_wait_time: 5ms
    restore_mode: always off

User don’t need to edit that unless you want to edit interlock_wait_time.

Naming for outputs are:

  • cover_open_01_out01
  • cover_close_01_out02
  • cover_open_02_out03
  • cover_close_02_out04
  • and go on…

Install proper firmware

You have to install Cover (or Cover Mix) configuration from our website and adopt device in Esphome addon to get it working properly:

Esphome Cover install

Configure cover

Always have cover fully open when configuring first time!

then put some safe longer time to open and close your cover (do it carefully! We’re not responsible for any damage made by you).

Let’s say 40 seconds

  - platform: time_based
    name: 'Cover 01'
    id: cover_01
      - switch.turn_off: cover_close_01_out02
      - switch.turn_on: cover_open_01_out01
    open_duration: 40s
      - switch.turn_off: cover_open_01_out01
      - switch.turn_on: cover_close_01_out02
    close_duration: 40s
      - switch.turn_off: cover_open_01_out01
      - switch.turn_off: cover_close_01_out02

As you can see I edited open_duration: 40s and close_duration: 40s to 40seconds. Compile your firmware and with stop watch measure exact time of your cover.

Configure blinds

Always have blind fully open when configuring first time!

Difference between regular cover and blinds are that blinds can tilt when moving UP direction from being fully closed.

Same as for cover, you’d need to measure open time and close time + tilt_duration. It might be better to measure it with push buttons directly than with component.

Add to the top of your config:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: master
    components: [venetian_blinds]

Then in cover section define following:

  - platform: venetian_blinds
    name: 'Blind_01'
    id: blind_01
      - switch.turn_off: cover_close_01_out02
      - switch.turn_on: cover_open_01_out01
    open_duration: 40s
      - switch.turn_off: cover_open_01_out01
      - switch.turn_on: cover_close_01_out02
    close_duration: 37s
    tilt_duration: 1650ms
      - switch.turn_off: cover_open_01_out01
      - switch.turn_off: cover_close_01_out02

For more instructions about Venetian blinds go to component website